Tuesday 5 March 2013

In between wrestling with flying vowels and misspellings, I have indeed noticed some new recruits:) Followers and readers.
Haven't been so prolific as late on the ol' Twitter, FB and Blog.
So let me take the opportunity now (as BOOK 3 is at proofreaders) to welcome you along and into the fluffy, funny often odd and tangible world of Nina Whyle.
You are why I write and none of you should forget that fact... even if I don't know you all personally I would like to thank you personally:)
(Does that make sense, or are my witching hours editing interfering with coherent thought?!?)
Easier to say this then
 I frikkin LOVE YOU ALL for how you've helped, supported, bought and spread the word, (my words - still can't believe it!), I'm over bowled, bowled over and gooey in general. As you can tell very emotive about Book 3's completion...
Gonna have a flappy hands moment, you know what I mean if you've read the books!!!

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