Monday 28 July 2014

A repost for those of you who missed Sunday's post...

I felt ravenous for it, chomping at the bit - not a usual trait for me. But when the bedroom is more predictable than some mindless TV show, it’s time to take action.

Every attractive man tonight will be fair fodder and my man at home can stay at home. I thought a relationship was going to be my opportunity to learn and deepen my sexual repertoire but my man seems to be more interested in watching TV, swigging beer; and the damn dog gets more attention than me.

Here I am standing in skyscraper heels and the most expensive underwear I've ever owned and he’s snoring away on the sofa, his mouth wide open like a dribbling walrus.

I grab my disregarded dress from the sofa and make for the hall. Armed with a pocket full of his money and my Macintosh, I hail a cab from the street with the urgency of an otter breaking molluscs. My friends said they were going to Bubble tonight and that’s where I was heading.

A woman with a mission. I want out from him, and the mundane existence that is my life and under someone with a bit more zeitgeist for bedroom antics. 
Goddammit I needed to feel like a woman again.

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