Valentine's Day Snippet - Book 3

Thursday 14 February 2013

As it's a special romantic day, here's something for you all! With love and Hugs Nina xxx

Piers always said I had a knack of saying the wrong thing at the most inopportune time! Well I think that was probably my subconscious kicking back at him and his juvenile politics.
I push my way from the bar taking the opportunity of a lull in the frenetic space, a clear pathway presents itself to my heels, one where you can at least walk one foot in front of the other in a semi straight line instead of a badly trained ballerina spinning on her heels for dear life. I make a rush at it before it disappears when I stumble tripping over someone’s foot in the proceeds and my entire glass of Mojito splashes over a tuxed-chest. 

Who's chest and Tux is the question! Buy book 3 when it's launched and find out...

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