New Writers Have no Budget :( A little like Spain & Greece

Saturday 16 June 2012

Now there has been some comments  (not negative because the essence of the books have shone through... you can see that in the rankings)  that there are a few typo's, a comma frenzy here and there, plus some dazzling duds.

Thank-you all for your forgiveness, proof reading is important but the characters in the story just run away in my head and leave their muddy tracks all over the place. When you start out there's no money for extra sets of eyes so bear with me and the third book will be scrutinised I may have a lovely blonde pretty friend who will lend me her ear-eyes and time.

Imagine painting white on whitewall in the north Pole on an iceberg under a white fluffy sky with white snow boots on and no tan plus a white snowmobile... that's how far my proof reading goes, you get the white gist!

So enjoy the weekend and be human and mix scrummy cocktails in the white winds of June xxxx

1 comment

  1. Yes. My budget for my debut indie novel is £0. Must do all proofing myself.



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