Goodread's Reviews WLGP

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Now this is a rom-com written with style. It is clear from the very start that the author is both intelligent and has a wicked personality and this all comes across perfectly in the very likeable protagonist, Poppy. This book would cheer just about anyone up, but I can see it connecting with graduates in their mid to late twenties especially. The words Monty Python and fuzzy duck should be enough to convince you of this!

The insight that Whyle offers into the film industry comes from clear experi...more
After putting an end to a boring long term relationship, Poppy's life is suddenly filled with glamour, and then everything turns into a huge mess. But friends are always there to support her.
The book has everything you may expect in a perfect chick lit, but there's more: Nina Whyle writing style. It's refreshingly funny and smart, with large doses of irony.
I highly recommend!

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