MEN - Ryebread, gerkins and Tomato

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Does that even constitute as lunch or just a scooby snack?
This is definitely going to be a day of cake! Grrr EDITING and cold outside!
Cake the pacifier of all and everything. If only a man could be packaged the same way;)

The Book of Mormon- West End Tickets?

You know it's gonna be good! You're never Ronery when Trey and Matt are involved!

Late-Deals on Amazon, I-Books, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

With Book 3 approaching launch date, take advantage of the low prices of
"Moving Up On Manolo's" & "Fighting Love" while they last!

Ranks in the Rank in AMAZON.COM

Edging upwards slowly:) Again with MUOM
If you liked that book try Fighting Love, it needs all of your LOVE. MUOM is basking in the glory;)

Poor Sleep and it's Effects

Wish I had had this scientific excuse when my homework had radically disappeared just that morning...
"It was so Bizarre Miss, just when I got off the school bus a tornado the size of a fleet of buses whisked my schoolbag right out of my hands, I expect it's somewhere in Kansas now."
Geography teacher, "As we're studying weather patterns Whyle, this is highly unlikely! But A for effort."
'Learn about weather. You obviously didn't do your homework."

Kindle Deals

Monday, 25 February 2013

Go on...

Apple Smart Watch

Friday, 22 February 2013

I'd love to see the Apple Products being scrutinised in Dragons Den (before popularity)

Roobarb and Custard

He gave us so many hours of fun :)))

The Hangover - Book 3

‘How you feeling?’
‘Like my heads been on a cross country rally without any shock absorbers!’

Drop me a line with your best hangover similes :) Maybe you'll be in a better reference frame tomorrow to think of them!

Happy Partying xxx

UPDATE FRIDAY's Snippet- actually On a Friday! BOOK 3 Preview

TGI Friday. It's party-time
Book 3's "The Hangover"!

On legs of jelly I step slowly and wobbly across the room unhooking my dressing gown from the door (on the second attempt!), wrapping it tightly around my nakedness I close the door behind me quietly . 
I head to the bathroom but peeing is proving impossible. I need water, lots of water. I stare at my blurry reflection. I look even more shitty than I feel. Last night’s carefully applied make-up is now a melting pot of charcoal dust and I brush out my rats nest hair. Then I start gagging and have to hang onto the toilet seat to vomit up the poisonous sour taste of half-digested wine and tequila, there’s something floating we must have had nibbles, I mean canapés at some point in the evening.
I hate alcohol. Hate it. Never ever again!
I brush my teeth and scrub my tongue several times, but my breath still smells like booze and vomit.

Must have been some Party, stay tuned folks :)

Selfridges - Geometry "Fashion plus Maths!"

Dreaming on a Friday afternoon, just look at this Alexander Wang shoes, DVF and Sports max...
Would it be educational shopping? Oh Amazon please line my H & M pockets;)

Babies who Nap in Sub zero degrees

Very commonplace in Scandinavia and quite right, healthier, they sleep better. All the ankle biters go out in Denmark's kindergartens. Also a cunning ploy for mothers to enjoy their lattes!!!
But look at the Photo of Copenhagen... the shoe-shop pictured is worth a little browse for Manolo's!

Amazon Ranks for MUOM

Holding Steady... need a flurry of sales though good people of the world xxx BOOK 3 is on its way soon.

4.5 out of 5* Reviews - Fighting Love

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Remember to download the second book before the price restructuring in honour of Book 3!!!
DO it now! Read it Later!

CAT's CAt's Cats cats

Is there no end to their world domination!

Gage Tiredness by this Scale! Yep you're an Olympian

Le Gavroche - Luncheon Anyone?

If book 3's sales spiral uncontrollably upwards, knocking bestsellers out of the matrix ballpark - my goal is to sit, munch and be merry for a small afternoon. MUST FOCUS ON REWARDS TO FINISH BOOK 3!


Always a nice start to the day!

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MOVING UP ON MANOLOS (A Romantic Comedy)
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German Dubbing!

Ooooh I don't know, makes them sound quite good;) Especially Stallone!

B-END-A - Musical Week Cont...

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Looking for a New Sound? Warm up click and begin your journey, it's nearly home-time!!!
Well the Boosh found it, click below. You might want browse the artist's wonderful paintings while you're immersed!

The Anti- Cooking Party- Eh?

Surely healthy home cooked food should be encouraged?! Or the take aways get better produce and healthier options... am I seeing things? Maybe after all these supermarket short-cuts in sourcing produce
we should have the "KNOW WHAT'S IN YOUR FOOD PARTY"!!!

Nepotism - Italy

We all like the thought of the big Italian family, well certain ones who don't have a Corleone hiding in the cupboard. Is it such a bad thing though, it's given us some great fashion, extraordinary designers just because they're left in peace to do what they do best.

Slovenian Helpers

To all my friends who are slipping around on the snow this week.
Have a great time bouncing off mountains and tenderly sipping blueberry schnapps!!!
Such creatures of restraint;)

London Fashion Week

Get downloading the London Girls... peppered in fashion, fun and frolics.


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

`Hello you lucky sunny people...welcome to the world of Nina W! Desperate for a book signing in the tropics!

Nasa in Scotland?

What a gal! Dreams die if you lose your romantic, ideal self! SO DON'T :) Keep you in your own picture, tune out interference... yes it's always a struggle but worth it.

Reverbnation -- I have my own SONG:)

How cool is this! Never knew those music makers were such avid chicklit readers! ;/)
TAK 12welvegage xxx

Boucheron and WWF

Monday, 18 February 2013

How wonderful would that be? You get beautiful diamonds and gems whilst saving the animals.
Hey Boucheron, it's me again (an admirer without the means!) You can have that idea for free, as long as I get the animal chain!

Just if you were unsure it's this one! Twee but so nice.

Anyway readers and fans how are the sales going?! - Vive Le France

Woohooo gota ranking at last! Merci beaucoup France xxx

    Banksy Stolen or ?

    How can own something that is given freely? OK we have property laws yadah yadah
    Defeats the purpose of his intent.

    Richard Briers:( He was stupendous

    Very sad but what a lot we have to celebrate. Wonderfully whimsical a great character actor.

    USA where have you gone?

    Oooo rankings slipping in AMAZON.COM.
    Don't you remember me stateside?:)
    C'mon gift a book to the other 51 states!

    Piglet and Wheelchair. Too sweet to watch without an coo and an ooo

    Just watch and see how easy it is to fall in love with this little guy.

    Preview Book 3 - Fridays Snippet on Sacred Saturday's Post-

    Saturday, 16 February 2013

    I apologise for my reoccurring tardiness:)
    Happy Weekend Everyone and thanks so much for the push in Sales xxx

    ‘I’ve done that once in my life. ONCE!’ I exclaim.

    ‘I know that’s the shame of it,’ Paige says thoughtfully. ‘You’ve never had your freedom. Sowing your… ‘ she pauses, ‘well it can’t be oats for a woman, sowing your…?' 

    ‘It’s ok, I get the picture.’

    ‘I got it, scrambling your eggs!’

    She starts to laugh to herself. ‘Grabble the serpent?'
    I roll my eyes.
    ‘Or how about coaxing the snake?’

    ‘Oh look I’ve finished my drink. Let’s go.'

    I take the empty glass out of her hand, grab our bags, and ambush her out of the door.
    ‘Grease the pulsating pole!’ she says, falling into another fit of giggles.
    I pull her by the arm and lead her down the corridor.

    Keeping on the Space Trajectory

    After all those Valentinsy posts, lets get down to a bit of space exploring! Mix it up eh?!
    Neptune as pretty as diamonds!

    Asteroids Away!

    If you're reading this you may well be aware that it missed! It was never going to hit, but it was pretty exciting. My mind just reels after watching Melancholia, well done Mr Trier... a jolly good film with a loose sense of optimism! (For You)

    Weekend News - Spectacular Comeback for Women's Fiction

    Friday, 15 February 2013

    Moving Up On Manolo's, you guys are really making my day. Back in the top 2000 and edging towards the top chart in women's fiction xxx Book 3's finale is ongoing and happening at rapid revolutions!

    And on that Theme! - Amazing Meteor Footage

    Our Universe is spectacular, unpredictable and glorious. Check out a real meteor hitting the atmosphere. OMG! Does Von Trier know something we don't?!

    Melancholia Reality - Biggest Asteroid passes Earth Today

    I presume Mr Von Trier will be looking to the heavens tonight. They'll be some doomsday nutters to entertain us I'm sure!

    Amazing Pools of the World

    They all look inviting! But Bali... LUSH or what?

    Fighting Love needs Reviewers

    That only applies to the nice ones though;)


    I appreciate it in an ice-cream, but can't we do better for the weekend Ladies and Gents?

    Chef's Surprise

    Got to admire the honesty of this lot!

    How was Valentines?

    If you've got an amazing romantic story, let me know, you may the next inspiration for a love story!
    Hope it was a good one peeps xxx

    Don't Forget to send a Gift this Valentine's

    Thursday, 14 February 2013

    Need I say more!

    Valentine's Day Snippet - Book 3

    As it's a special romantic day, here's something for you all! With love and Hugs Nina xxx

    Piers always said I had a knack of saying the wrong thing at the most inopportune time! Well I think that was probably my subconscious kicking back at him and his juvenile politics.
    I push my way from the bar taking the opportunity of a lull in the frenetic space, a clear pathway presents itself to my heels, one where you can at least walk one foot in front of the other in a semi straight line instead of a badly trained ballerina spinning on her heels for dear life. I make a rush at it before it disappears when I stumble tripping over someone’s foot in the proceeds and my entire glass of Mojito splashes over a tuxed-chest. 

    Who's chest and Tux is the question! Buy book 3 when it's launched and find out...

    FaceBook Fake Status's

    Why are we so concerned? All who really know us don't need our particulars on FB. But low and behold our society seems to take relationship statuses on FB more seriously than face to face honesty.
    Our constant updating leaving our friends behind... I don't think so!
    But if you are in need of fake facebook status... look no further.

    Manolo's First Printed Version EVER- Exciting or What!

    You never realise how big your own book is, especially on an e-reader. My first novel in print took me by surprise, it's really quite a hefty novel. It will fit in any Library full of first editions;) circa 2011!!! Look how shiny and new it is in Hardback!
    Wow, I'm gob-smacked, slightly emotional but most of all ecstatic xxx I thank all my friends who support me, especially Mrs N.C:)

    5 * Reviews all the WAY! FIGHTING LOVE's the rival of MUOM!

    Wednesday, 13 February 2013

    What  lovely review's, thank you so much Wendy, Bajule, GMK!

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Another great story 14 Jun 2012
    By bajule
    Amazon Verified Purchase
    Another great story from Nina Whyle. Relaxing read, exactly what ladies need on holidays or long rainy days. I hope there is more books to come!
    1 Comment | 
    Was this review helpful to you?
    5.0 out of 5 stars book review 11 Feb 2013
    By GMK
    Amazon Verified Purchase
    This product arrived exactly as ordered, was of good quality and on time, I would recommend you to buy from this seller.
    Comment | 
    Was this review helpful to you?
    5.0 out of 5 stars good fun 20 Jan 2013
    Amazon Verified Purchase
    I really loved this. It was full of humour and romance and I couldn't put it down. Would like to see more from this author please.

    Rising like Muffins on a Wednesday

    It astounds me that MUOM is rising quicker than the phoenix out of Dumbledore's fire!
    I thank you great readers of the world for pushing it back up the charts xxx
    You know Book 3 will be better because of it;)

    Moving and a Shakin!

    Moving Up just keeps getting better folks and I have big news soon!!!!

    What's would be your perfect Valentines? Win a Book

    Let me know and maybe they'll have a honorary role in Book 3.
    Use your wildest imaginations ladies and gents!
    Whether it's saucy, seducing or scintillating. Drop me a line and I'll gift Fighting Love to your choice of e-mail for our favourite one.
    Oh yes, there will be a couple more on the jury, my girlfriends love this kind of stuff:)
    Good luck and have fun.

    Spice Up Your Own Valentine's

    Ignore the awful invitations, don't say yes if your instincts say
    "you wouldn't share a quick expresso on a normal day let-alone dinner."
    Get your favourite bottle of wine, run a bath and you've guessed it read an easy book of fun and frolics!
    Your own imagination will far surpass any awkward and tiresome dates. (Read about Harry's blind date in Fighting Love for a big giggle!)

    New Technology - Movie made through Audience Reactions

    Yes it's revolutionary but can see the technology ending up in the dirtier side of films! If you walk into a cinema, the air is musty and all the attendee's are concentrating male species linked up to sensors... leave, run and don't forget your popcorn! Hopefully an adaptation of MUOM is screening in the next room down;)

    Valentine's Reading

    Tuesday, 12 February 2013

    Looks like MUOM is rising in this oh-so-romantic month;)


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