THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING - When Life Goes Pop! £0.99

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Rewind 7 years and we were celebrating the release of our first book Moving Up On Manolos on Amazon.

What we didn't realise at the time is that we can't spell for tofficlepopsicles - that's a word isn't it? Our grammar had taken a vacation and managed to get lost in the desert whilst eating its passport and vowing never to grace us again with its presence. But we were too excitable to notice. Cough-hick-cough... ,,,  is that what a breath looks like in words? Blindly we forged ahead, publishing without so much as a whiff of a professional proof-reader or a mere blink from an editor. 

OMG! It was a disaster and the criticism was harsh but at least reviewers were positive about the story - so we took some solace. We rectified our mistake and found a professional proofreader for Moving Up On Manolos before re-uploading and did the same for our second book Fighting Love and later our third book, When Life Goes Pop!

Being an indie author has been a steep learning curve - worse than the north face of Everest in flip-flops. We learnt very quickly that it was money well spent to get someone to proofread first. So for any budding authors out there take it from us, you will need your book professionally proofread and edited. But what we've also come to realise now that we've gone down the traditional publishing route with our fourth book, My DisOrganised Life, is that a book goes through several pairs of hands and several pairs of eyes before finally going to print. Basically as many eyes as a caterpillar has legs.

So it came as no surprise when we gave our third book, When Life Goes Pop! to a second proofreader just to see. Low and behold they picked up several silly errors. Not ideal but it seems that even proofreaders do miss things.

Thank you Sarah J for your eagle eyes and polishing up the grammar!

When Life Goes Pop! is available to download for 99p.

WARNING: There is quite possibly grammar mistakes in the above text.

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