Friday, 21 October 2016

A lovely way to wake up and discover you have a new review:) Thank you Poppy. You might enjoy "When Life Goes Pop" the protagonist shares your name!

on 20 October 2016

A really fun read, I really enjoyed this and had fun reading it, cannot wait to read more by this author
recommended it's ace.

AMAZON SPECIAL - Something Saucy for the weekend?

Friday, 14 October 2016

DOGGY HYDROTHERAPY THAT WORKS + When you can't quite reach Friday & a Welshman turns up on your doorstep?!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Those Welshies get about a bit, from the Beeb, to the Valleys, pet preservations and transporting lovely wine back from France personally. I'm booking a hydrotherapy session dressed as Scoobydoo if this is the level of service, stand down Fortnums we have TiMaaah and Dr. K Doolittle!

If your pooch needs unstiffening and a new leash of life! Book in. The testimonials are amazing to read.

SPANISH HIT - MDL - Not forgetting the people going towards summer!

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

How lovely to see :) muchas gracias Español xxx


What with all the doom and gloom of brexit and Trump's daily drudge of tawdry news, why not escape from it all.
'You know I do love a bit of Chicklit in between war meetings, it's all very zesty Mr Rossevelt'
"Me too Winny"
'Now about this Trump...'
'The only statue he'll get is the one he commissions himself out of lies and bigotry!'
'I hear that's in the melting pot'

Running. Well about that...

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

So what I thought was cramp in my calf was actually a torn Soleus muscle and I've not been able to run. The last time I ran was 6th September, 2016. It's been 4 weeks and while I am seeing a Physio (a marathon runner himself) and he has assured me that I will be running again it doesn't stop me worrying. What if he's wrong? What if it never heals? What if I reinjure all over again? 

It's the reason I haven't set up my Just Giving page for Get Kids Going! They provide sports grants and sports wheelchairs for disabled children and I have pledged to raise £2,000. Once I am running again, I will be able to convince myself and you that I can actually do this and I will ask you all very kindly if you will sponsor me.

In the meantime, I shall continue swimming and cycling and doing those squats and heel drops like the good patient I am.

London Marathon 2017 I have you in my sight!


Monday, 10 October 2016

Book 4 meets inspiration of Book 1 - They got on well!

Where's Wally - MDL style

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Yoda - floating chicklit


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

My best friend Owl
And this is why my house looks like it does?
The vacuum is enemy number one...
The wind can't be trusted... outside or in!
Besides, I do all her work, it's tiring at the office zzz
Any delivery van is from Satan...
Bubblebaths will attack if you don't attack first...
Why do anything if it's not cuddling me?
Well that's my excuse, what's yours?

That human is no good at tucking corners!


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