4 for the price of 1 (paperback) WHEN LIFE GOES POP

Saturday, 31 December 2016

After I purchased their latest book and loved it, I decided to add another one to my collection. As soon as I started reading the book, I knew I was going to enjoy it. Perfect, fun, light hearted reading. Just what I enjoy. ;)

Sometimes it's good to stay in, let your mind go out and explore...



Tuesday, 29 November 2016

'Go and have a quick look,' she said to herself whilst her back prevented her sitting down to write book 5
While it's quiet, she thought.... I'll only be an hour

Never send a woman to browse.... especially one with inadequate boot space

Yes Sweden we could accomplish a lot if one had their memory intact. Ikea, the ultimate place for space saving ideas, until you reach your very, very, ridiculously small car!

Luckily it was sunny, roof abandoned...  some onlookers in the freezing temperatures were a tad surprised!


Friday, 25 November 2016

Many thanks to Sarah, here it is in the flesh. MDL - On Sale now.
The perfect place to take time out and taste delicious fare with a flair.



Saturday, 12 November 2016

Should we publish the others in paperback too?

on 9 February 2016
I initially bought this on the recommendation from a blogger who gave this book 5 Stars herself! 
I love the catchy title as I feel it's describing my life at the moment. I took this as a sign!! 
The book was interesting and funny to read from start to finish. I feel lots of women will relate to Eve
 and although I am not in my 20s I have just written a list of things to do. 
I promise if you buy this book, you won't be disappointed. I brought the paperback version as 
I don't have a kindle so it's a shame her other books are not in print as well.

Have a word with yourself America - TRUMP? FFS that's madder than... ANYTHING!

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

If you condone bigotry, racism, sexism and fascism.  Utter ignorance bordering on criminality with his consistent abuse of woman - you've got the perfect revolting president.
Regularly and offensive bouts of sheer lunacy has nothing to do with democracy, progress and a better world.

His best buddy that lovable hug pot Putin loves to keep his own people (and whatever country he deems his) in the dark ages... seems Donald's only pledge is to also follow the demented, corrupt thinly disguised dictator. You cannot turn back time, but Trump may have promised that in a policy, oh that's right no one has heard his policies only his disturbing rhetoric.
How can you vote for someone who doesn't even have policies or even a loose explanation on how to implement them?

So you voted for -
A wall
A road
A bridge

Why didn't you just call a construction company? Has America lost all it's phone numbers?

And as a woman if you voted for him, that is truly shameful.


Friday, 21 October 2016

A lovely way to wake up and discover you have a new review:) Thank you Poppy. You might enjoy "When Life Goes Pop" the protagonist shares your name!

on 20 October 2016

A really fun read, I really enjoyed this and had fun reading it, cannot wait to read more by this author
recommended it's ace.

AMAZON SPECIAL - Something Saucy for the weekend?

Friday, 14 October 2016

DOGGY HYDROTHERAPY THAT WORKS + When you can't quite reach Friday & a Welshman turns up on your doorstep?!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Those Welshies get about a bit, from the Beeb, to the Valleys, pet preservations and transporting lovely wine back from France personally. I'm booking a hydrotherapy session dressed as Scoobydoo if this is the level of service, stand down Fortnums we have TiMaaah and Dr. K Doolittle!

If your pooch needs unstiffening and a new leash of life! Book in. The testimonials are amazing to read.

SPANISH HIT - MDL - Not forgetting the people going towards summer!

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

How lovely to see :) muchas gracias Español xxx


What with all the doom and gloom of brexit and Trump's daily drudge of tawdry news, why not escape from it all.
'You know I do love a bit of Chicklit in between war meetings, it's all very zesty Mr Rossevelt'
"Me too Winny"
'Now about this Trump...'
'The only statue he'll get is the one he commissions himself out of lies and bigotry!'
'I hear that's in the melting pot'

Running. Well about that...

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

So what I thought was cramp in my calf was actually a torn Soleus muscle and I've not been able to run. The last time I ran was 6th September, 2016. It's been 4 weeks and while I am seeing a Physio (a marathon runner himself) and he has assured me that I will be running again it doesn't stop me worrying. What if he's wrong? What if it never heals? What if I reinjure all over again? 

It's the reason I haven't set up my Just Giving page for Get Kids Going! They provide sports grants and sports wheelchairs for disabled children and I have pledged to raise £2,000. Once I am running again, I will be able to convince myself and you that I can actually do this and I will ask you all very kindly if you will sponsor me.

In the meantime, I shall continue swimming and cycling and doing those squats and heel drops like the good patient I am.

London Marathon 2017 I have you in my sight!


Monday, 10 October 2016

Book 4 meets inspiration of Book 1 - They got on well!

Where's Wally - MDL style

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Yoda - floating chicklit


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

My best friend Owl
And this is why my house looks like it does?
The vacuum is enemy number one...
The wind can't be trusted... outside or in!
Besides, I do all her work, it's tiring at the office zzz
Any delivery van is from Satan...
Bubblebaths will attack if you don't attack first...
Why do anything if it's not cuddling me?
Well that's my excuse, what's yours?

That human is no good at tucking corners!

SLOUGH WRITERS - The Editorial - Author at large in Windsor Area

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Monday Evenings! Needless to say Nina is the far more photogenic one of the team N.W but Whyle can prop up the bar better.  Read below.


Author Clare Whyle Talks To Slough Writers (2016-09-28 11:58:10)
Monday 26 September saw us enjoy the visit and talk by Clare Whyle who is part of the duo who write under the name Nina Whyle. Their Latest creation is My Disorganised Life (The 'Dis' part of Disorganised should be crossed through but not on this website - see picture.) It was an excellent evening with Clare dealing with our questions with loads of humour and honesty (and patience! - some of us have the knack of making questions far longer than any answer could possibly be!). And she was almost the last to leave the bar after. Good girl!
Clare Whyle writes because she loves the process, working in tandem with her long-standing friend Nina Bowden. 'Nina is a kindred spirit' said Clare, 'I don't really understand how but the writing just happens naturally between us. Where Nina is far better at plotting, dialogue, driving things on and cutting my flights of fancy, I'm sarcastically comedic, love developing the eccentric character and writing the descriptive.'
In the partnership nobody has a final say in how the book will go. 'It's really basic, we pass the manuscript back and forth between us. I write in pink and Nina in blue. And we absolutely slaughter each other's darlings. But if there's a bit you really like you try to sneak it back in later.'
Clare said that both writers have to supress their ego and learn diplomacy. What comes through when Clare speaks of Nina is respect and it obviously goes both ways. They trust each other to make decisions that benefit the work and never the individual.
So far they have sold 27,000 books but they are not rich authors although they are on their fifth novel. Clare does not mind having the books categorised as Chic-Lit. 'Women's fiction is the biggest market and it gives you freedom to go where you want and do anything with the characters as long as there's a happy ending. We have fun. Sex scenes are an absolute hoot.'
The writing duo live in Berkshire and Devon, but talk on the phone at least once a week. 'We have long rambling girlie chats and we know each other's lives intimately. This helps because we can avoid putting on pressure about the writing when one of us has other challenges in life. Sometimes we even talk about the book!'
At one time the couple reached number ten in the UK charts and had their hopes set on perhaps reaching the number one spot. 'What actually happened,' said Clare, 'was Fifty Shades of Grey and we were knocked off the top ten.'
Clare describes herself as a black romantic. Her preference would be for a black comedy with a sci-fi setting and a strong Thomas Hardy mood. When the two are not being Nina Whyle they focus on screenwriting and Clare admits to a passion for film.
'Pushing a screenplay is much tougher than publishing a novel on Amazon,' said Clare. 'The film business works on the old boy network where it is your contacts in the industry that count in getting a project developed.' Nina has a successful background as a film editor but even with her contacts in the business nothing is guaranteed.
Mike Pearcy


We were generously invited to give a talk at Slough's writers club evening, a very active and lively group which has been congregating for over 40 years on a Monday. And what a great way to spend a Monday evening, surrounded with lovely, interesting, enthusiastic people from all walks of life who also love to write - from plays and poems to manuscripts and novels.
Terry who's a comedy writer, and sometimes creates jokes for a ventriloquist really got my mind ticking. I thought that was funny in itself, do you write for the puppet or the person?
Their group tasks do sound like a lot of fun. So drop in and join up if you're in the area.

Thank you all at Slough's writers for making 50% of N.Whyle feel so welcome, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it made me realise how lucky Nina and I are in our partnership, especially when Mr Kibble asked 'who gets dibs on the first line of the book?'
We've never actually thought about it like that, must be why we work so well together!
With... Special thanks to Mike and Terry who instigated the whole 90 minutes of my ramblings :)

If you want to sponsor something very worthwhile and have fun while you're about it, they are trying to save the Burnham Library, have a look and book book book... a little bird tells me the food was good too. We need our libraries, don't let them disappear. E-books are great but the sanctuary of a library is irreplaceable.


Monday, 19 September 2016

When you come down in the morning and gage how many quick pints did they have?! Just a couple...
A lot of modern art must be born this way!

New Book V 1st. Book #Chicklit

Manolo's clipping the heels of Mr Disorganised Life! A bit of inside competitiveness from our novels, Fighting Love might Pop through too? I wonder what Harry would make of Poppy?

ENJOYMENT on ECONOMY - My Disorganised Life

Thursday, 15 September 2016

All you need is £1.99 and a few spare hours. Feet up in the garden, make the most of our Indian summer and would you like to share your time with these characters? Lord Battenberg - at inebriation junction; Gudrun the minuscule sex therapist; Jet the sound engineer; Kimberly the one you love to hate and her 3 fluffy yap-balls; Adam and Eve (the trodden one); spiteful Brian; intriguing Alastair; Rock of a friend Lucy, last but not least, hot, hot, very hot moody Jake. Reality bites in fake reality!

Average Customer Review: 

The Golden Age - Paralympics

They are an inspiration for us all. When tragedy strikes these dedicated people develop the midas touch. I can't even play ping pong on 2 legs let alone on wheels. Team GB have been mesmerising, marvellous and proving miraculous feats are possible no matter what life throws at you. Big RESPECT from the Nina Whyle team.
Cockcroft world record, beat that, well she did!
BRAVO to you all.

Running. Week 20

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Took my new Brooks trainers for a run this morning and of course it stands to reason that my calf muscle gets crippled with a muscle cramp and I am forced to stop at 4.61km. I then had to hobble all the way home.

 And yet, I've been doing so well with my running. Managed 16km (10 miles) three times over August but it's like September is saying, "Oi Oi, let's not get too cocky." I have no idea why I got cramp this morning or how to prevent getting cramp in the future. I guess I will have to see what Google says. I've also have a niggling left knee cap, which started in September so perhaps it is time to ease off a little, do a few shorter runs before aiming for another 10 mile run.

Because the 10 miles runs aren't easy and running for 2 hours still feels unnatural (thank goodness for music shuffle). But I'm doing it and I running further than I ever thought possible 20 weeks ago. I should make 'No Pain, No Gain" my motto from now on.

TGIF - Kardashian Free post!

Friday, 2 September 2016

Just because we haven't for a Whyle!

Loving those Canadians with MDL
Amazon Bestsellers Rank:#270 in Romantic Comedy

  • And good evening Team GB...
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  
  • Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #322 Paid in Kindle Store -Humor - For our girl Poppy!
    Have a splendid read this weekend:)


    Sunday, 21 August 2016

    We've done it, something to be proud about. That and the flying bike, no wonder we're good at cycling! (along with my theory on Milton Keynes)


    Mo Farah is amazing. What a winner
    How does he do it?
    Could you stick to this diet? I can't even stick to the stickiest stick of 5-2, but I wasn't born to be a long distance runner, but our Nina is getting some distances in... 16 km! Go Nina Farah.
    If they had a medal in demolition though, I'd be in the running (without actually running!)


    Friday, 19 August 2016

    Was astounded in 2012, the broken bones meant nothing for Bronze. Look at them now!
    Girls WOW, 1st time. Brilliant


    Nail biting, c'mon Ladies... my goodness this is a good game.


    Another one for the 58 yr olds collection. Jumping up, 2 for gold medals in the world!
    Cracking news to come home to. I will now attempt to leap over all my low weight bearing furniture.
    Crunch... neigh


    Thursday, 18 August 2016

    Pretty much sums it up! I wouldn't know the words from one national anthem to the other, the Danish is at the spise kartofler part of my tongue... apart from queeny being a huge aspect of it all... Lizzy you rule - literally! Team GB - you're awesome


    When boys discover what you really write about!
    Then buy NW books and read them under an old Top Gear Magazine! Enjoy the summer Evenings with Eve...


    A remarkable, hopeful story for all women who are oppressed - Fight off unwanted (Love) The bravery of Geeta, literally taking a leap of faith.... with no training:)
    Harry didn't have the cruel start Geeta did, but she had to fight for it - goes hand in hand being stunt woman. Harriet Quinn is a lucky one, just the usual male chauvinistic nonsense!
    4.0 out of 5 starsrelaxing romcom that will plaster a smile all over your face and keep you addicted.
    on 5 June 
    Fighting Love is what I would class as a weekend read, which roughly translates to: read this at a time when you are not busy as you won’t get anything else done until you’ve turned the last page. I hoovered this up within a couple of hours and found it hugely enjoyable.

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